Recent News

Stephen (Nick) Housley wins the inaugural Jack and Dana McCallum Early Career Fellowship for his work at the intersection of neuroscience and cancer treatment.

The students and instructors and some of the students in the BEST-Lyon program.

This summer, eight students in the Biomolecular Engineering, Science, and Technology study abroad program in Lyon, France were able to explore the city's rich history of silk production in an unlikely place: a biology lab.

2023 Haley Fellows (clockwise from top left) Jessica Deutsch, Quynh Nguyen, Eliza Gazda, Sydney Popsuj, Jose Luis Ramirez-Colon, Sidney Scott-Sharoni.jpg

The College of Sciences graduate students were chosen as 2023-24 Herbert P. Haley Fellowships for their research and academic achievements

The College of Sciences graduate students were chosen as 2023-24 Herbert P. Haley Fellowships for their research and academic achievements
