The Business Option builds a business perspective into your Biology degree without adding the hours required for a minor. It is an excellent option for students who are interested in business aspects of research and development, who intend to manage their own clinic or practice after professional school, or who want to pursue an M.B.A upon graduation.
To fulfill the Business Option requirements, you must complete 15 credits of approved coursework covering the principles of accounting, economics, and management. Two electives allow you to take advanced coursework in these areas or to explore the legal, international, entrepreneurial, technological or financial aspects of the business world. Six of the credit hours from the list of management (MGT) courses will fulfill requirements for Biology breadth electives, and another 3 credit hours of management courses count as free electives. Additional courses within the Business Option may satisfy Social Science electives. Note that the MGT courses used as Biology breadth electives reduce the approved Biology breadth electives from outside Biology
Courses fulfilling the 15 hours of Business Option credits are listed below. These courses cover principles of accounting (Area A), economics (Area B), and management (Area C). Two electives (Area D) allow students to take advanced coursework in these areas, or to explore the legal, international, entrepreneurial, technological or financial aspects of the business world.
Note that some of the elective courses (D) have prerequisites. Your choice of classes in Areas A, B and C will influence the selection of elective classes available to you.
Some of the Management courses in Areas C and D require junior or senior standing. To minimize conflicts in scheduling these courses, students are recommended to take other courses, especially those carrying social science credit, at the earliest possible time in their major's eight-term plan.
Students pursuing the business option typically take PSYC 1100 as part of the Social Sciences requirement, and five classes in Areas A-D as outlined below. Note that PSYC 2220 and ECON 2106 also carry social science credit. Accordingly, these three classes, together with one US/Georgia history/constitution course, may be used to complete the 12-credit Social Sciences requirement.
Six of the credit hours from the list of management (MGT) courses will fulfill requirements for Biology breadth electives, and the other 3 credit hours of management courses count as free electives. Biology majors in this option must still fulfill the other requirements for the Biology undergraduate degree.
Students must complete one course from each of area A-C, and two from area D, with a minimum grade of D.
Click for instructions for adding the Business Option to your degree can be found at this link
Click here for Business Option catalog years earlier than 2012.
A. Accounting
One class (3 h) chosen from:
- ACCT 2101 - Accounting I (Credit will not be awarded for ACCT 2101 and MGT 3000)
- MGT 3000 - Financial & Managerial Accounting (Credit will not be awarded for MGT 3000 and ACCT 2101)
B. Economics
One class (3 h)
- ECON 2106 - Principles of Microeconomics (this class carries Social Sciences credit; Credit will not be awarded for ECON 2100 and 2106. Credit will not be awarded for ECON 2101 and 2106)
C. Management
One class (3 h) chosen from:
- PSYC 2220 - Industrial/Organizational Psychology (this class carries Social Sciences credit; NOTE: This class has PSYC 1101 as a prerequisite, which also carries Social Science credit)
- MGT 3101 - Organizational Behavior (JR/SR standing required; Credit will not be awarded for both MGT 3101 and MGT 3150)
- MGT 3150 - Principles of Management (JR/SR standing required; Credit will not be awarded for both MGT 3150 and MGT 3101)
D. Two Electives
Two courses (3 h each.) chosen from the following. Note that classes in the categories listed above serve as prerequisites for some of the elective classes. Accordingly, your choice of classes in fulfillment of the accounting, economics and management will influence the selection of available electives.
D.1. Classes with no additional prerequisites
- MGT 3078 - Finance & Investments (JR/SR standing required; Credit will not be awarded for MGT 3078 and MGT 3062)
- MGT 3300 - Marketing Management (this course serves as a prerequisite for classes listed below in Section D.5)
- MGT 3662 - Management in the Health Care Sector
- MGT 4191 - Entrepreneurship Forum
- MGT 4192 -IMPACT Forum
- MGT 4193 - Serv Lead Values Systems
- MGT 4194 - Social Entrepreneurship
- MGT 4610 - Law, Mgt, & Economics
D.2. Classes with ACCT 2101 as a prerequisite
- MGT 3062 - Financial Management (Credit will not be awarded for MGT 3078 and MGT 3062)
- MGT 4026 - Fin Report & Analysis I
- MGT 4028 - Fin Analy & Rpt - Tech Firms
D.3. Classes with MGT 3000 as a prerequisite
- MGT 4015 - Adv Managerial Acct
- MGT 4026 - Fin Report & Analysis I
- MGT 4028 - Fin Analy & Rpt - Tech Firms
- MGT 4030 - International Accounting
D.4. Classes with MGT 3150 as a prerequisite
- MGT 3660 - International Business
- MGT 4190 - Strategic Quality Mgt
D.5. Classes with MGT 3300 as a prerequisite
- MGT 4303 - Personal Sell & Sales Mgt
- MGT 4304 - Strategic Brand Mgt
- MGT 4307 - Strategic Marketing
- MGT 4335 - International Marketing
- MGT 4670 - Entrepreneurship (ACCT 2101 is an additional prerequisite for this class)