
Upcoming events for potential graduate applicants:

Graduate Programs

Ph.D. and M.S. in Biology, with areas of concentration in:
  • Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior including population and evolutionary ecology; community ecology; aquatic chemical ecology; ecological genomics; sensory ecology; evolution of development, behavior, and sociality; biological oceanography; environmental microbiology; theoretical ecology.
  • Molecular and Cell Biology including eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell biology; molecular physiology; molecular biophysics and structural biology; animal, plant, and microbial molecular genetics; human genomics; molecular evolution.
  • Computational Biology and Bioinformatics focusing on DNA and protein sequence analysis; comparative genomic analysis; macromolecular structure modeling including protein-protein, protein-nucleic acid, and protein-small molecule interactions; molecular evolution.
Ph.D. in Applied Physiology
  • Integrative Physiology spans levels of biological organization from cellular mechanisms to motor behavior and human performance, and this research encompasses many of the body’s organ systems. Specific emphases include the control of motor activity by the central nervous and musculoskeletal systems, the cellular mechanisms of plasticity in muscular performance, fluid balance and exercise performance in thermally-challenged environments.
Dual Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)/ Ph.D. in Applied Physiology
  • In cooperation with Emory University, the dual DPT/PhD is an advanced training program will provide ideal training for physical therapist-scientists for careers as leaders in both academic physical therapy and movement research. The Emory University DPT program is among the top-ranked US DPT programs, and has a philosophical commitment to scientific inquiry. The Georgia Tech PhD extends this foundation providing the skills required to begin a career as an independent researcher.
Ph.D. and M.S. in Bioinformatics
  • Computational Biology and Bioinformatics focusing on DNA and protein sequence analysis; comparative genomic analysis; macromolecular structure modeling including protein-protein, protein-nucleic acid, and protein-small molecule interactions; molecular evolution.
Ph.D. in Ocean Science & Engineering
  • The mission of the graduate program in Ocean Science & Engineering is to educate the next generation of transdisciplinary ocean scientists and engineers by combining the basic and applied sciences with innovative ocean technologies, and to advance interdisciplinary research at the frontiers of the physical, biological, chemical, and human dimensions of ocean systems.
Ph.D in Quantitative Biosciences 
  • The mission of QBioS is to educate students and advance research in quantitative biosciences, enabling the discovery of scientific principles underlying the dynamics, structure, and function of living systems.  Georgia Tech's Ph.D. QBioS program is designed to train and prepare Ph.D. level scientists to identify and solve foundational and applied problems in the biological sciences. 
Ph.D. and M.S. in Computational Science and Engineering 
  • Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) is a discipline devoted to the study and advancement of computational methods and data analysis techniques to analyze and understand natural and engineered systems. CSE is inherently interdisciplinary, and integrates concepts and principles from computer science, mathematics, science, and engineering to define a new, cohesive body of knowledge that is rapidly changing. It solves real-world problems in science, engineering, health, and social domains, by using high-performance computing, modeling and simulation, and large-scale Big Data analytics. Our research enables breakthroughs in scientific discovery and engineering practice.
Astrobiology Graduate Certification Program
  • The Astrobiology Graduate Certificate Program is part of an initiative linking the schools of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Aerospace Engineering, and International Affairs. The purpose of the certificate program is to expand opportunities for students in the interdisciplinary field of ‘astrobiology’, and to forge innovative links between astrobiology research at Georgia Tech, mission technology, and science communication.

Key Contacts and Information

Associate Chair, Graduate Program
  • Dr. Francesca Storici
    Email | 404.385.3339 | EBB 5017
Chair, Graduate Committee
  • Dr. Ingeborg Schmidt-Krey
    Associate Professor
    Email | 404.385.0286 | Cherry Emerson A118
General Inquiries
  • Ph.D./M.S. in Biology
    Chung Kim
    Academic Program Manager
    Email | 404-385-4240 | EBB 2009
  • Ph.D. in QBioS/Ph.D. in Bioinformatics
    Lisa Redding
    Academic Program Manager
    Email | 404-385-1720 | EBB 2009
  • Ph.D. in Applied Physiology
    Sabrina Hall
    Academic Program Coordinator
    Email |  EBB 2009
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