Giving to the School

Why give to the School of Biological Sciences?

The value of a Georgia Tech degree is directly related to the quality of our graduates and the skills that they bring to their careers. It is in all of our best interests to make sure that Georgia Tech Biology graduates are exceptionally well prepared to succeed in their chosen fields. Their success builds the reputation of Georgia Tech and enhances the value of a Georgia Tech degree.

Investing in People

In order to expand on this tradition of excellence, Biological Sciences faculty continue to perform outstanding research and teaching, delivering the finest education possible to our students. Our professors are engaged in mentoring post-docs, graduate and undergraduate students and are training the next generation of biologists to solve important societal problems like improving human health, developing renewable energy, maintaining healthy food and water supplies, and sustaining the environment. These teaching and research activities cost millions of dollars, most of which are generously provided by the State of Georgia and federal research grants. However, there are certain activities that are not supported by these funds. These include: seminar series that bring top scientists to Georgia Tech for a few days to present their research and talk to students, student travel to scientific meetings, student awards for outstanding teaching and research, and scientific retreats where graduate students and post-docs present their research and receive critiques from faculty. We are also in the early stages of fund raising for a new Biological Sciences building to be built in the next four years. This building will replace Cherry-Emerson and propel the School into the 21st century with state of the art research labs.

Building the Future

We depend on gifts from alumni and friends to fund these activities which are essential to the professional development of our students and faculty. If you would like to help the School of Biological Sciences continue to attract and retain the best students and faculty, please consider making a donation by sending a check to:

Amanda Puche
Georgia Tech College of Sciences, Office of the Dean
Administration Building (Tech Tower - second floor, room 202)
225 North Ave NW
Atlanta, GA 30332-0365

Please make checks payable to the Georgia Tech Foundation and indicate that you wish to support the School of Biological Sciences, account #320-00-0006.

All gifts to Georgia Tech are tax-deductible. If you would like to discuss specific ways to help the School, please contact Amanda Puche and we can have a more detailed conversation about how you might contribute. Even though you have left Georgia Tech, your contribution can have a big impact on the life of students and faculty in the School of Biological Sciences.

If you would like to support these programs through a gift, bequest, matching gift from your company, or gifts of stock or real estate, please contact Amanda Puche (Amanda Puche, Cell: 404-308-1845) in the College of Sciences, who would be happy to discuss options with you.

Learn more about the impact of your gift to the College of Sciences at Georgia Tech.