Past Biological Sciences Seminars & Events

Exploring NASA Careers.png
2024 January 29
Join us for a career panel featuring NASA civil servants who will share their journey, specific roles, and information about NASA careers. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions, network, and learn about employment opportunities at NASA.
The Atlanta Science Festival returns for its 11th year!
2024 March 9
Campus and the Atlanta community are invited to the official kickoff event for the 2024 Atlanta Science Festival!
Students at a National Science Bowl
2024 February 3
A high school regional competition to find the best three high school teams to be advanced to the National Science Bowl.
Jonathan Chase .jpg
2024 February 15
Scale as a unifying tool for synthesis in biodiversity studies
joan strassmann.jpg
2024 February 1
Microbial Experimental Evolution: social behavior, mutualism, and predator-prey interactions
Truth Values Live.
2024 February 25
Please join the Gathering 4 Gardener and the Georgia Tech College of Sciences for a special matinee performance of the international hit play, Truth Values!
​Note: No T. rex have actually helped with the excavations of Natural Trap Cave as their arms would be much too small.
2024 February 9
Become a fossil hunter and help discover how vertebrate communities have changed through time by picking and sorting 3,000 to 30,000-year-old fossil specimens from rock matrix that has been brought back from Natural Trap Cave, WY.
Jonathan Velotta
2024 February 27
Extreme Physiology and the Mechanisms of Adaptation: Lessons from Fish and Mice
2024 March 14 to 2024 March 15
A one-and-one-half-day symposium - "The Evolution of Multicellularity and Cellular Differentiation"
2024 March 7
Fish Energetics: From Physiology to Collective Behaviour
