How to Pre-Health at Tech: Jeffrey Kramer, First-Year Biology Student

How to Pre-Health at Tech is a new series of stories and experiences with our faculty, current students, and alumni working in healthcare and medical fields. Check back throughout the spring for interviews with:

  • Alonzo Whyte, faculty member, academic advisor for the Health and Medical Sciences (HMED) Minor, director of academic advising for the Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience, and development leader in the School of Biological Sciences
  • Ritika Chanda, fourth-year neuroscience undergraduate with dual-minors in health and medical sciences and leadership studies
  • Jenna Nash (NEUR '21), physician assistant graduate student
  • Charles Winter (BIO '12), anesthesiologist assistant

Jeffrey Kramer’s first semester at Georgia Tech was a running start. With the post-grad goal of attending medical school to be a physician, the biology major from Marietta, Georgia has set ambitious plans to prepare for graduate school, focusing on his studies, three unique organizations, and learning “what it means to be a Yellow Jacket.”

Here are Kramer’s recommendations for “How to Pre-Health” at Georgia Tech:

Q: What attracted you to pursue a pre-health career at Georgia Tech?

A: I decided to pursue pre-health here at Georgia Tech for a variety of reasons. First, as an in-state student eligible for the Zell Miller Scholarship, it is difficult to beat the price and quality of a Georgia Tech education. Compared to out of state or private institutions, Georgia Tech is significantly more affordable while still offering a high level of prestige.

Second, Georgia Tech is in close proximity to a huge number of hospitals and clinics including Grady, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta Medical Center, and Emory. This makes it significantly easier to obtain clinical volunteering and experience.

Third, Georgia Tech has an incredibly active pre-health community. There are a number of pre-health campus organizations, including Student Hospital Connections and the American Medical Student Association (AMSA), dedicated to helping students navigate the pre-health process. These organizations provide access to a wealth of opportunities and connections, and were a huge factor in my decision to attend Georgia Tech.

Q: What have you been involved with on campus?

A: In the past semester, I have become an active member of three organizations: Student Hospital Connections, AMSA, and the Student Center Programs Council.

Q: How did you find your first semester of classes?

A: I found my first semester of classes to be very difficult, but very manageable as well. It's a lot of content, but I'm very satisfied with my professors and their teaching. I've found it necessary to radically change my study habits, but Georgia Tech provides a wide variety of resources, such as office hours and Peer-Led Undergraduate Study (PLUS) sessions, to make this transition easier. Looking forward to future semesters, I'm thrilled to continue my science education here.

Q: How do you plan to make the most of your time at GT to prepare for a pre-health career?

A: Outside of my coursework, I plan on participating in a number of extracurriculars during my time here at GT to prepare me for a pre-health career. First, I plan on volunteering as often as possible throughout my time here. Fortunately, there are a huge number of campus organizations dedicated to facilitating community service opportunities.

Second, I plan on getting involved in scientific research. Luckily, Georgia Tech makes it easier than perhaps any other university to begin research as an undergrad.

Third, I plan on gaining clinical experience by both volunteering at local hospitals and clinics and shadowing physicians.

Q: Do you have any future career plans, or ideas for what you would like to do upon graduation?

A: After graduation, I currently plan on attending medical school with the goal of becoming a physician. I am not yet decided whether I wish to pursue a dual M.D./Ph.D. degree.

Q: What advice would you share with others interested in coming to Georgia Tech on a pre-health path?

A: I would advise them to look into the huge variety of pre-health resources here at Georgia Tech. Taking classes is only one component of the pre-health journey. The campus organizations, academic support resources, and research opportunities provided at Georgia Tech are unrivaled. They were a huge factor in my decision to attend GT.

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