Professor Weissburg Awarded a RIPS Grant for Sustainable Infrastructure

September 8, 2014

Dr. Marc Weissburg Professor of Biology, along with a team of multidisciplinary investigators have been awarded $2.5 million dollar grant to develop approaches for sustainable and resilient infrastructure. A key feature of the plan is to use, and compare, ecological and engineering approaches  and principles for  increasing cycling, reducing waste, and maintaining function in the face of perturbation. The team will examine complex interactions between infrastructure (e.g. water, transportation and energy systems) that traditionally have been ignored. Atlanta will provide both data and a possible test case for the principles developed. This proposal represents a unique and powerful interdisciplinary research and educational initiative, with graduate students from many fields being co-mentored by faculty from different disciplines. Along with Dr. Weissburg, the investigators consist of Dr. John Crittenden (PI, CEE), Dr. B. Ashuri (COA), Dr. J Clark (Ivan Allen) and Dr. R. Fujimoto (CS). Senior personnel come from many other units, including Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Systems Engineering and GTRI.