Recent News

Joshua Weitz (Photo Joshua Weitz)

School of Biological Sciences professor and Tom and Marie Patton Chair heads to France to hold Blaise Pascal International Chair of Excellence, continue virus research, and teach

Students attending the Aquatic Chemical Ecology REU prepare for poster session presentations July 20. (Photo Renay San Miguel)

In 2022, all six schools in Georgia Tech's College of Sciences will offer a summer NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. Students attending this year's REUs recount what they learned, and how it will impact their academic careers.

2021 Regents Professors and Regents Researchers

The University System of Georgia (USG) Board of Regents (BOR) appointed 12 Georgia Tech faculty members to Regents Professors and Regents Researchers.

Bacterial biofilms

CMDI merges disciplines, aggressively recruiting microbiologist ‘superstars’ to take back the high ground from antibiotic-resistant pathogens and emerging diseases — and to harness microbes for new medicines, cleaner environments, and climate solutions.
