For the 5-year BS/MS program in Bioinformatics, please click here.
5-year BS/MS program in Biology (with Thesis)
The 5-year combined Bachelor and Masters of Science program in Biology (BSBIO/MSBIO) is a prestigious opportunity for top Biology undergraduate students to earn a Masters degree in as little as one year to increase competitiveness and starting salary for Biology-related jobs. This 5-year program can serve as bridge training to eventual medical, professional, or doctoral program admission because students gain a research specialization, develop a project that may lead to publication in the primary scientific literature, and complete advanced scientific coursework that contributes toward content knowledge and their science GPA.
This program provides you an opportunity to earn an MS degree in as little as one year to increase your competitiveness on the job market. As part of this degree, you will perform a research project under the direction of a faculty member in the Biology department. The BSBIO/MSBIO is also an excellent opportunity for you to build a gap year into your academic program after you graduate before you start medical or professional school.
Advantages of the Program
- There is no application fee and you do not need to take the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) for admission to the program.
- You can use 6 hours of graduate-level electives from your undergraduate work toward both your B.S. and M.S. degree. Note that classes cannot be triple counted towards a major, minor, and M.S. degree
- There is no obligation to complete your master's degree if your plans change
Application requirements and how to apply
- You must be a Biology undergraduate student
- Identify a research advisor that you have already performed undergraduate research with or have discussed performing a Master's thesis in their lab.
- Apply after completion of 30 credits but before completion of 90 credits, including transfer and advanced placement credits. If you have more than 90 credits, you will be considered for the program on a case-by-case basis.
- Have a GPA of 3.3 or higher in courses required for the BS in Biology
- The BSBIO/MSBIO is aimed at students who have a strong interest in biological research. In particular, students on a path to take Independent Research Project (BIOS 4690) as their capstone research experience in Biology may have an interest in the program. Students will be in a particularly strong position to complete the BSBIO/MSBIO if they have taken several semesters of undergraduate research (BIOS 2698, 2699, 4698, 4699, 4690) which consist of a cohesive scientific research project.
- It is recommended that students with an interest in the BSBIO/MSBIO seek the advice of their research advisor, academic advisor, or the graduate office before submitting an application.
- You will need three letters of recommendation.
- More info on requirements can be found here.
- To apply, submit a standard graduate application at https://gradapp.gatech.edu/apply/.
- For questions on undergraduate courses, please contact your academic advisor
- For questions on graduate courses, please contact Chung Kim (ckim@gatech.edu)
- For questions on research, contact your research advisor
- All other questions can be sent to BSMS@biosci.gatech.edu