Past Biological Sciences Seminars & Events

​Note: No T. rex have actually helped with the excavations of Natural Trap Cave as their arms would be much too small.
2024 February 9
Become a fossil hunter and help discover how vertebrate communities have changed through time by picking and sorting 3,000 to 30,000-year-old fossil specimens from rock matrix that has been brought back from Natural Trap Cave, WY.
Jonathan Velotta
2024 February 27
Extreme Physiology and the Mechanisms of Adaptation: Lessons from Fish and Mice
2024 March 14 to 2024 March 15
A one-and-one-half-day symposium - "The Evolution of Multicellularity and Cellular Differentiation"
2024 March 7
Fish Energetics: From Physiology to Collective Behaviour
2024 March 5
Physiological interactions among the nervous system, cancer, and treatment
Alice Mosberger_Photo.jpg
2024 February 29
Learning to reach for reward - Dissecting the sensorimotor control of target reaches
Earth Month Flyer.png
2024 April 17
Join us to celebrate sustainability efforts on campus in honor of Earth Day!
Headshot of Tiffany Lowe-Power
2024 May 16
The ecology and evolution of Ralstonia’s toxin-secreting molecular weapon (T6SS)
wing boswell
2024 April 11
Straining to fit lanthanide chemistry into lanthanide biochemistry: a geochemist’s perspective
ryan hunter.jpg
2024 May 23
The Biology of Big: Physiological consequences of living large on the landscape
