The study of molecular and cell biology in the School of Biological Sciences includes the following topics:
- Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell biology, including cell signaling, cell differentiation, cancer biology, receptor trafficking, and bacterial pathogenesis
- Molecular physiology, including human pathophysiology, and the regulation and function of membrane proteins
- Molecular biophysics and structural biology, including the structures and functions of nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids
- Molecular genetics in animal, plant, and microbial systems, including control of gene expression, genome stability, genomics, genetic control of protein folding, and epigenetic phenomena such as prions
- Molecular evolution, including molecular population genetics, comparative and functional evolutionary genomics
Most faculty in this area of research are supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health, and some are supported by grants from the National Science Foundation. Many faculty members serve on advisory boards for biomedical research agencies and the most respected journals in their fields.
Faculty in this focus area
Edward Balog
Associate Professor -
Sam Brown
Professor -
Yury Chernoff
Professor -
Timothy Cope
Professor, School of Biological Sciences and Department of Biomedical Engineering -
Thomas DiChristina
Professor -
Steve Diggle
Professor and Director of the Center for Microbial Dynamics & Infection -
Yuhong Fan
Associate Professor and Georgia Research Alliance Distinguished Scholar -
Greg Gibson
Regents Professor, Tom and Marie Patton Chair in Biological Sciences, Director of the Center for Integrative Genomics, and member of the Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience -
Michael Goodisman
Professor -
Brian Hammer
Associate Professor -
Liang Han
Associate Professor -
Saumya Jain
Assistant Professor -
Julia Kubanek
Professor and Vice President for Interdisciplinary Research -
Abigail Lind
Assistant Professor -
Kirill Lobachev
Associate Professor -
Nathan Mcdonald
Assistant Professor -
Farzaneh Najafi
Assistant Professor -
Shuyi Nie
Assistant Professor -
Annalise Paaby
Assistant Professor -
Christina Ragan
Academic Professional -
William Ratcliff
Associate Professor and Co-Director of the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Quantitative Biosciences -
Frank Rosenzweig
Professor -
Ingeborg Schmidt-Krey
Associate Professor -
Jeffrey Skolnick
Regents' Professor; Mary and Maisie Gibson Chair & GRA Eminent Scholar in Computational Systems Biology -
Lauren Speare
Assistant Professor -
Haley Steele
Academic Professional -
Alberto Stolfi
Assistant Professor -
Francesca Storici
Professor and Associate Chair for Graduate Education -
Jeffrey Streelman
Professor and Chair -
Matthew Torres
Associate Professor -
Marvin Whiteley
Professor Biological Sciences, Georgia Tech Bennie H. and Nelson D. Abell Chair in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar Co-Director, Emory-Children’s CF Center (CF@LANTA)