Tenure-Track Faculty

Open-Rank Assistant/Associate/Professor in Cell and Molecular Biology

The School of Biological Sciences (https://biosciences.gatech.edu) at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Molecular Cell Biology. Applicants will be considered at all ranks with priority given for exceptional candidates at the assistant or early associate professor stage of their career. We seek candidates exploring the molecular mechanisms underlying disease at the cellular level to join the dynamic, interdepartmental Molecular Biomedical research community at Georgia Tech.

Open- Rank Assistant/Associate/ Professor in Integrative Physiology

Candidates are expected to conduct research, teaching and advising students and service activities. Successful candidate should be able to develop and sustain a competitive, externally funded research program in Integrative Physiology.

Tenure Track Faculty Member in Ecology

As part of continuing growth, the School of Biological Sciences is conducting an open rank search for a tenure track faculty member in Ecology. The position is flexible in regards to research specialization and approach, but we are especially interested in applicants working in the areas of experimental field ecology, population or community ecology, conservation, behavior, or chemical ecology.

Tenure-Track Faculty in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience

The School of Biological Sciences (http://biology.gatech.edu) at the Georgia Institute of Technology invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the field of cell/molecular neurobiology. Applicants will be considered at all ranks with priority given for exceptional candidates at the assistant or early-associate professor stage of their career. Hiring objectives in neuroscience accommodate a wide range of subfields and study models centering on molecular and/or cellular neurobiology.

Tenure-Track Faculty in Computational Genomics

The School of Biological Sciences (biosci.gatech.edu) at the Georgia Institute of Technology invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions in the field of computational biology and genomics. Applicants will be considered at all ranks with priority given for exceptional candidates at the assistant or early-associate professor stage of their career.

Tenure-Track Faculty in Microbiology

As part of continuing growth in biology, the School of Biological Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in microbiology. We welcome applications from individuals working in all fields of microbiology, and we especially encourage people working in the fields of microbial ecology, environmental microbiology, and in situ microbiome function. Applicants will be considered at all ranks with priority given to exceptional candidates at the assistant or early-associate professor stage.


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