Integrative Physiology spans levels of biological organization from cellular mechanisms to motor behavior and human performance, and this research encompasses many of the body’s organ systems. Specific emphases include the control of motor activity by the central nervous and musculoskeletal systems, the cellular mechanisms of plasticity in muscular performance, fluid balance and exercise performance in thermally-challenged environments, and approaches to rehabilitation that include prosthetic and orthotic devices as part of the treatment plan. This research is propelled by an enthusiastic faculty and by the natural synergies that arise from our common interests in motor systems, prosthetics and orthotics, and other areas of systems physiology.
Edward Balog
Associate Professor -
Young-Hui Chang
Professor of Biological Sciences and Associate Dean of Faculty for College of Sciences -
Timothy Cope
Professor, School of Biological Sciences and Department of Biomedical Engineering -
Liang Han
Associate Professor -
Mark Lyle
Adjunct Assistant Professor -
Mindy Millard-Stafford
Professor -
Farzaneh Najafi
Assistant Professor -
Richard Nichols
Professor -
Shuyi Nie
Assistant Professor -
Boris Prilutsky
Professor -
Minoru Shinohara
Associate Professor -
Teresa Snow
Senior Academic Professional -
Phillip Sparling
Professor Emeritus -
Alberto Stolfi
Assistant Professor -
Marc Weissburg
Professor -
Lewis Wheaton